Immersive Books For That Ultimate Escape-From-Reality Feeling

Immersive Books For That Ultimate Escape-From-Reality Feeling

When I first started thinking about immersive books, there were about a hundred stories floating around my mind, including ones I read when I was a small child. ‘Immersive’ probably means something personal to everyone, so let’s define what I’m aiming for here.

The books on the list are ones I read and put down, only to feel that the real world in front of me was a little greyer with the story over. Sometimes these books have stayed with me for years, occupying a little corner of my heart. For most, I have never read them a second time because the first experience was pure perfection.

Immersive books remind my cynical self that stories are absolutely a form of magic. If you’re a reader, something in this description might be clicking with you — but maybe you’ve not had that elusive joy yet, in which case I hope this list proves a gateway.

I picked immersive books from all the corners of the bookshelf of favourites in my head, so this list includes science fiction, young adult fantasy, historical fiction, crime, narrative nonfiction and memoir, as well as some cracking literary fiction.

Book cover for The Crimson Petal and the White, showing a red curtain falling over a broad bed with silk rumpled sheets.

The Crimson Petal and the White by Michael Faber

In Victorian England, the lives of Agnes and Sugar are tied together by one William Rackham. In a deep exploration of historically accurate Notting Hill, Rackham reluctantly works the family business of perfuming. Sex worker Sugar tries to drag herself up from the gutter in a vision of London that Dickens would envy.

Book cover for A Discovery of Witches, featuring the title in white laid over the night sky. The skyline of Oxford is in the foreground and there are constellation symbols in the night sky.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

Historian and reluctant witch Diana Bishop opens a manuscript in Oxford’s Bodleian Library. Ashmole 782, a palimpsest with a spell on it, changes her life forever, reawakening her connections to her famous parents and drawing vampires and daemons to her, curious about her world-changing discovery. Honestly, nothing I say about this could do it justice. I was absolutely transported.  

Book Cover for the 13 and a Half Lives of Captain Bluebear, showing a bright yellow background. In the foreground is an illustrated blue bear with yellow eyes, looking to the right of the book cover expectantly. He is in a boat on calm waters, with three bird like creatures in pirate hats.

The 13 and a Half Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers

A human sized bear with blue fur, Captain Bluebear has 27 lives to live — and this is the first half of them. On the fictional continent of Zamonia, Bluebear floats in a walnut shell, engages with hobgoblins, talks to the waves called Babbling Billows and a pterodactyl called Deus X Machina. I read this when I was 15 and in the almost two decades since, Bluebear has never been far from my mind. It’s a triumph of escapism and the deep ironies explored will speak to anyone who likes Douglas Adams.

Book cover for The Shadow of the Wind, showing a black and white image of a man crossing an empty street with a lamppost in the centre. A white light shines from the end of the street so the buildings on each side are indefinite.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

In the old city of Barcelona, Daniel visits the Cemetery of Lost Books with his father. He picks a book from the shelf, ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ by Julian Carax. Daniel is approached by a man who seeks to destroy all of Carax’ work. Daniel’s entire life changes because of the book he chose from the shelf. It’s a riveting gothic novel, something to savour.

Book Cover for The Fifth Season, showing the title in white over a green-blue stone background. In the bottom left corner is some filigree style stonework.

The Fifth Season by N K Jemisin

 On the Stillness supercontinent, the Fifth Season approaches, a world-ending destruction which comes around periodically. In an apocalypse of earthquakes and volcanos, Jemisin focuses on her rich cast of characters, using them to explore oppression, power and the rupture of both geography and people.

Book cover for The Belles, showing a pink and yellow blurred background, a black woman with afro hair and a floral fascinator attached to her hairstyle. She wears a white off-the-shoulder top. The title is superimposed over her.

The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

A young adult take on the commodity of beauty, we follow Camellia Beauregard, a Belle who can make a person perfect — for a price. In the glittering dystopia of Orleans, Camellia must work out a multitude of secrets in a place that uses sparkle to obfuscate. This one really carried me off with deeply colourful descriptions and vivid imagery, a fresh take on an often discussed concept.

Book cover for A Ghost in the Throat, showing the title in shite overlaid on a gothic image of gold and red flowers surrounded by green leaves on a black background.

A Ghost in the Throat by Doireann Ní Ghríofa

Irish poet Ní Ghríofa had long been fascinated with the work of Eibhlín Dubh Ní Chonnaill, most notably her poem for her murdered husband. Ní Ghríofa, having suffered a near tragedy of her own, dove deep into the life of the 1700s poet. At its heart, this is a genre bending exploration of what it is to be a woman, blotted out from history despite remarkable achievement and experience.

Book cover for Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line, a yellow background with a teal border. In the centre of the cover is an illustrated eye.

Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line by Deepa Anappara

Jai, Pari, and Faiz have eked out an existence as children in the slums of an Indian city. Jai, whip smart and a fan of police shows, sets out to find a missing classmate, with lists of people to interview and places to visit. As they investigate, other children disappear, and the issue comes close to home. The smell of cardamom and the rickshaws under a smogged up sky will stay with you long after you put it down.

Book Cover for The Perfect Nine, featuring the title in geometric lettering on a similarly geometric background. There are orange, gold, pink and blue tints to the geometric sections, creating an optical illusion.

The Perfect Nine by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

A novel in verse which explores the founding of Kenya’s Gikuyu people through folklore, allegory and myth. In following nine sisters and their suitors on a quest to find a cure for one among them, the story is loaded with danger — and a reminder that life has real purpose. This is creationist story at its very best.

Book cover for Binti, showing a black woman's face with her fingers drawing orange lines cross her cheeks against a black background. The title is in silver beneath the woman's face.

Binti by Nnedi Okorafor

Where many of the books on this list are long, Binti is a short, sharp shock of adventure in a finely built world. Binti is the first of the Himba people to go to Oomza University, giving up her family to travel across the stars alone. Hungry for knowledge, she accepts the culture shock of a new world — but, confident in her decision, she is unprepared for the danger ahead.

Book cover for Six Four. The background is a photograph of a woman in greyscale. A central strip of black details the title over a blurry lit up skyline.

Six Four by Hideo Yokoyama

This sat on my shelf for about three years without being read, but it kept catching my eye and when I did pick it up, it swallowed me whole. In 1989, a Tokyo schoolgirl is kidnapped, the identity of her kidnapper, and her, lost in a bungled investigation which 14 years later is still called Six Four. In late 2002, a press officer at the department finds himself faced with an anomaly, and a chance to find the truth.


Book cover for There Therem showing a bright orange background with the title in yellow. There are two black watercolour feathers, one underneath each word of the title.

There There by Tommy Orange

Twelve people from Native communities travel to the Big Oakland Powwow. Though they don’t know it, they are all connected to each other. Jacquie Red Feather wants to find her way back to her family in sobriety, while Dene Oxendene works the powwow to honour a now passed family member. There is a painful history here, a complex beauty that really sticks in the mind long after the cover closes.  

Book cover for Erebus, subtitled The Story of a Ship. The green background shows an illustrated circle of a ship on broad cresting waves. At the bottom of the cover are illustrations of two men, and an icebound ship between them.

Erebus by Michael Palin

In 1845, the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror departed from England to find the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic. Both ships and their crew became icebound near King William Island for more than a year — and the survivors, setting out for the mainland, were never seen again. Palin’s book goes back in time to the building of the Erebus and her journeys before her icy doom, pulling the reader on a fateful adventure into the north.  


Book cover for On Chapel Sands, showing a long expanse of sand leading to a blue sea. On the left, a man and small child linger in silhouette, heading away as though to leave the cover itself.

On Chapel Sands by Laura Cumming

In 1929, Laura Cumming’s mother Betty was kidnapped from the beach in Lincolnshire. When Cumming set out to find the truth of the kidnapping (and return) of her mother, she found a community loaded with secrets and lies, in which everyone but she appeared to know the truth. On Chapel Sands is part true crime investigation, part memoir and overall bears witness to a now lost way of life.

Book cover for The Book of Echoes, showing a blue background and false gilt corners on a red border. The central image is an illustrated butterfly with eyes.

The Book of Echoes by Rosanna Amaka

In 1981 Brixton, Michael struggles to find his place in the world, surrounded by unemployment and a booming drug demand. He falls for Ngozi, an immigrant from Nigeria. The reader starts to understand that Michael and Ngozi have a connection reaching back centuries, their story haunted by the spirit of a slave.

If you fancy some extra immersive books and related recommendations, check out Book Riot’s Tailored Book Recommendations service for your next escape!

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