10 Sapphic New Adult Books To Read In Your 20s

10 Sapphic New Adult Books To Read In Your 20s https://ift.tt/nBilajZ

Sometimes you just want to read a good sapphic book. Even as publishing is opening up more and more to publishing queer work, it can be hard to find specific books. I myself have been falling head over heels in love with New Adult. It’s a relatively new addition to the publishing scene that has been gaining traction over the past few years.

The core of New Adult is that it’s supposed to act as a transitionary category between young adult and regular adult works. It’s perfect for those of us who want the feel of a young adult without being stuck in a teenager’s head. The target audience is those of us between 18-30 and crosses all genres.

Because it’s a new genre, and queer books are only beginning to be widely published, it can be slim pickings for those looking for sapphic new adult books. Luckily there are great options that will be the perfect addition to your TBR.

This list covers many genres and experiences. The only real thing they have in common is that they’re sapphic and wonderful.

So without any more blustering, here are some great sapphic new adult books to add to your TBR.

Realistic Sapphic New Adult Books

Cover of Falling into Place cover

Falling Into Place by Sheryn Munir

Tara has sworn that she will never fall in love again — especially after she returns home from her college fling. Living in urban India means that a relationship with a woman for her is nearly impossible. That is, until one random decision brings Sameen into Tara’s life. Now the two of them dance around each other. Is this the person Tara has been dreaming of? Or are the two of them doomed before they even begin?

Cover of The Devil Wears Tartan

The Devil Wears Tartan by Katia Rose

Moira and Kenzie have been enemies for years. They’re dance rivals from high school who have never gotten along, but moved on to college. Soon, however, their local highland dance association announces a scholarship with a huge amount of money. So, as they both put their kilts back on and train, they shoot looks at each other across the dance floor, and those looks start to hold more. While neither would ever admit the attraction they’re feeling, they can’t deny it’s there.

Juliet Takes a Breath Book Cover

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera

Juliet Milagros Palante is moving to Portland, Oregon. After coming out to her family, she isn’t sure if her mom will speak to her ever again and is in need of a fresh start. So, she’s interning with Harlowe Brisbane, one of her favorite authors who writes about all things queer and feminist. But as Juliet adjusts to all these new changes in her life, she realizes she has more questions than answers. Will she be able to figure out her identity in one summer? Or is self-discovery something that lasts a lifetime?

Black Iris by Leah Raeder cover

Black Iris by Elliot Wake (writing as Leah Raedar)

For Laney, college is going to be a fresh start from her life that seems to hate her for being gay. As she emerges into a new life with new friends, she tries to forget her past. But that’s exactly what comes to haunt her. When the bully who destroyed her previous life shows back up, Laney decides that this time she won’t be taken down. With her friends behind her and a new life ahead of her, Laney is going to prove that the old rumors about her are true. Each and every one.

Cover of The Love Pill

The Love Pill by Arizona Tape

Cara is a spy. And she’s a really good spy. Her main weapon is a pill that turns attraction into love. But on one mission, Cara finds she doesn’t need the pill to fall head over heels for a woman. The problem? That woman is her target. As Cara wrestles with self-discovery, her mission, and this newfound romance, there’s a lot to balance. This is a book of love, undercover work, and acceptance.

Cover of Cinnamon and Cigarettes

Cinnamon and Cigarettes by Samantha Kate

Sarah Clarke has always been cautious about everything. But she’s especially cautious about love. Enter Moira. Where Sarah is reserved, Moira is bold. When Sarah is afraid, Moira is brave. And soon they fall in love. However, when Sarah’s family asks about her new relationship, fear takes over and she tells them she’s dating a man. Sarah struggles to find pride in her identity, and bold, brave Moira might just help her out.

cover of Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann

Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann

This is a biromantic asexual new adult book with an M/F romance. Alice is done with dating. After her last girlfriend ended things when Alice came out as asexual, she decided that it was not worth it. So Alice has planned a summer full of good food, good TV, and lots of alone time. Then she meets Takumi. Takumi is one of her coworkers at the library and he is everything Alice ever looked for and more. As the summer wears on, Takumi and Alice spend more time together, Alice starts to wonder if maybe she isn’t done with dating after all, especially if it’s with someone like Takumi.

Cover of The Gravity Between Us

The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer

Kendall is Hollywood’s newest and best starlet. At only 19, she has the whole world at her feet, but all she wants is a little bit of normal life. Payton is Kendall’s childhood friend and a little slice of home. As Kendall moves Payton to join her in L.A., the two girls find themselves out of their depths amongst the stars. They also find that maybe they aren’t just friends. Maybe they’re something more. But can they risk their friendship to admit that to each other?

Bonus: Sapphic Fantasy New Adult Books

Cover of The City of Dusk

The City of Dusk by Tara Sim

Four realms, four gods, four heirs. But the gods are withdrawn, leaving the worlds they watch over fall to ruin. The heirs are determined to make sure that doesn’t happen. They will adventure across their diminishing landscapes and are ready to sacrifice anything to save their home. Which is a good thing, because in order to save the world it could cost them everything.

Cover of Dragon Queens

Dragon Queens by Kathleen De Plume

Princess Ava has gone missing. Gwen the bounty hunter has been hired to find her. However, when Gwen finds Ava and learns that when Ava returns to the throne she will be forced to enter an unhappy marriage, Gwen finds herself conflicted. Either she returns the princess to a miserable fate and gets her money, or she risks letting her family go hungry. As the two girls get to know each other, they soon find that maybe, against all odds, they are falling in love.

There are so many fantastic sapphic reads out there; this list just scratches the surface. You might also be interested it 20 Must-Read Contemporary Sapphic Novels, 15 WLW Romance Books Like One Last Stop, and 12 Of The Best Sapphic Romances To Read. I hope your Pride is filled with happy times and good books!

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